Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Big Umbrella

Good Morning my dear friend!

It is an early morning!  I have been awake for about an hour or so (it is 0530).  Since we have to be somewhere first thing this morning, it is really too late for me to go back to sleep.  So I started thinking of you and what I would like to talk about and before long, there were so many things that I figured I need to get up and start typing!  Then the dishwasher chimed.  It is an LG and it plays an adorable little tune when it is done with its cycle.  That clinched it--I might as well get up and chat with you :)  So bring a cup of coffee or tea and let's visit!

I was thinking about the purpose of my life, and I think it is to be a good steward of the land.  Not just the dirt and plants, but the land of every heart, mind, body, and spirit that comes my way.  The Lord has entrusted me to be careful with the welfare of every person whose path crosses mine.

Of course I need to be careful with The Wonder Sweetie, Precious, and Sooperman, and the rest of my family and friends. 

But I also need to be careful with the heart, mind, body, and spirit of:  the newspaper deliverer.  The checkout girl.  Any bosses or subordinates or co-workers I have.  The person I pass in the mall.  The other drivers on the road.  Each one of them, even for a split second, are under my big umbrella for me to care for and help in every storm of life.

This is a great and wondrous responsibility!  But it is not an overtaxing one since it is the Lord who makes us able to do.  So we needn't feel overwhelmed, just be aware.

Perhaps, dear one, we can think together, be aware together, of how we might nurture those around us, even for a brief moment.  How can we support, encourage, heal, minister, delight, warn, protect, and make lighter the load of others around us?

Be thinking!  This is good work! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the beautiful reminder! I'm thinking :) Love the picture!
