Monday, November 30, 2015

Who are You?

You ever want to just have a place to declare "This is who I am."?

Oh we kinda get that opportunity on fb with memes that say stuff like "If you can't handle me at my worst than you don't deserve me at my best" and junk like that.  But that is not what I am talking about.  Those are more "in your face, this is my excuse to act rudely, take it or leave it" stuff.  That is not you.  You are more than a meme.  You are more than rudeness.  You are more.  And less.  And more.

No, I mean YOU.  The you who actually kinda likes the color pink.  The you that actually kinda hates bacon.  The you that is moved to tears by a sunset.  The you that actually is ok with those extra 10 lbs.  The you that wants to be more gentle, more peaceful, more brave.  The you that was you before society and hurts and expectations made you put on fakeness and faces and bravados.

The artist you.  The banker you.  The SAHM you.  The SAHD you.  The more holy, less wordly you. The you that is SO you that you don't care what others think or are or do or say.  Because you are you.

The Godly you.  The forgiving you.  The filled with Jesus you.  The holiest you.  The "I'm tired of not showing my faith so that I don't get looks at work" you.  The you that catches glimpse of you in characters in movies and in neighbors and friends, and you feel your heart lurch and for one second, you think "Yes!  That is me!".   The you that you do not allow yourself to hope you are, but the memory of which hides, deep inside, of who the most perfect you is.

The you that loves to sing and can't carry a tune in a bucket.  The you that has no illusions of making money on blogs but just wants to post pics and write things.  The you that runs because it is fun but has to fight the inner voices that suck your joy and say "You must go further/faster.".  The you who wishes you could talk deeply with someone who will listen.  The you that wants to not be anxious or depressed.

The you that keeps posting those memes because they are at least some statement to yourself that you matter, even if the meme is the most shallow, worst part of you.  But at least you made a claim:  you tried to hear your own voice, but you don't listen, so one part of you focuses on brashness--not for the rest of us to hear but so that you can break through your own walls.

The you that gets weary of the mean girls scene or the keeping up with the joneses or the shallowness of society.  The you that is tired of showing too much skin and hiding too much brain.  The you that is tired of having to hide your love of poetry so the other guys don't tease you.

The you that you were made to be before you changed.  Before you gave up.  Before you got tired.  Before you thought you were too old or had become too afraid of the opinions of others.  Before gentleness turned into victimhood and strength turned into aggression and competence turned into pride.

Who are YOU?  Who did God make you to be?  Be that here.  Be that now.  Pray for the Lord to show you who He made you and what parts of the fake you are standing in your way.

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