Friday, November 13, 2015

The God Who Loves Part Two

Reading "He Loves Me" and the author brings up a very interesting point.  Until we understand and accept the love God has for us, we will not break free from the power of "self".

This makes sense to me.  As long as I am not trusting God or understanding how much He loves me, I will build up walls of self defense against Him (and everything else).  Self defense becomes self indulgence.  All Self.

When I trust His love (yep, even in bad times) and trust that He will provide for me perfectly everything I need, then I can live boldly.  There is no need for walls or defenses because nothing can threaten me.

If you knew you were going to be perfectly safe and that each bit of yourself that you gave away (love, money, forgiveness, kindness, whatever) would be replaced instantly with even more, you would race to see how much you could give away.  You would be without fear.

Our walls are our prisons.  Instead of protecting us, they suffocate, denying us air and light and love.  If we want peace and hope and joy and love, we have to go to the Source of it, immersing ourselves fully in trust to Him.

These are fabulous words, but they actually WORK.  Try it!  The more you focus only on drawing closer to the Lord, understanding His love and AFFECTION for you, the more you will see that it is an easy thing to switch from painful self-focus to instant rest and peace.  At first it might be difficult if you see God as someone just waiting to punish you (a false but popular notion--one of the walls of defensiveness most of us were encouraged to build in attempt to keep us from sinning), but just push through that, ask for forgiveness, repent of whatever, accept His mercy, then focus on His love.  You can then see for yourself. <3

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