Thursday, November 5, 2015

Daily Done 4Nov15

It was very much a low ebb day for me. :)   Felt rather off, slightly ill.  I think it is from the weather fronts that are coming through as we all are slightly headachy and off balance.  Plus, it has been very overcast for several days but not dark and stormy (which is fabulous) nor bright and sunny (which is fabulous).  It is the kind of bland overcast that is a blessing as it is trapping warm air at the ground, but does not energize the motivation :)

So I did not do a great deal.  But I also decided not to stress about it. :)  Some days are just like that.  I did not do a ton of work, but I tried to do steady work.  Later in the evening I almost begged out of going to supper with TWS because I felt weary, but I decided cheese sticks sounded too good to pass up and went :)  So glad I did!

There is such an interesting balance that we must strike between doing when we don't want to and resting when we should.

-Misc Household (make bed, etc.  I actually am trying to get better at doing this every day.  Usually I am so excited about my day that I run out of the room without making the bed, but I am trying to be more diligent :) )

-Sweep floor


-Read part of The Boy's first novel to help him with the NaNoWriMo he is doing this month.

-Write--today it was a long fb post regarding the necessary balance of love and logic in a child who is feeling very emotional about something that is not true.  It was a very interesting discussion with another woman who seems to put the event of emotions as more important than the resolving of them, and our discussion went round and round with her believing I was not validating emotion and me believing that it was more important to heal the pain of a wound that did not exist than to validate errant feelings.  If I, in error, thought my dog died, I feel it is much kinder to say "No, wait, your dog is alive!  He is in the other room!" than for someone, knowing full well that my dog is alive, to say "You are feeling very sad which makes sense if you think you dog has died.  I validate your feelings of sadness.  Let me hold you while you cry."

Oh we must be gentle with hearts!  But we must not allow them to dwell in unnecessary pain as that is not kind AT ALL.  Validate the truth and help the heart work toward the understanding of it!

The thing is emotions and "gut feelings" are not reliable.  Seriously they are not.  Gut feelings are like driving abilities:  everyone, myself included, thinks they are an excellent driver :)

But emotions and gut feelings are too complex and too easily swayed to be 100% trustworthy.  Hormone levels, illness, tiredness, time of day, blood sugar levels, all of these and so many more impact emotions and our "guts".  We can only see our perspective, our moment in time from our vantage.  We cannot see what other people are thinking or feeling.

I am not saying we should never rely on emotions.  Emotions are incredibly valuable for loving and tenderness and gentleness and humbleness and kindness and sympathy and empathy.  I am saying that we have to be wise enough to understand our emotions are not 100% valid all the time and to listen to those who love us and to be diligent to look at the logic and reason of a situation, as well as the emotion of it.

-Work on Christmas Book--ok I basically just printed out two calendars and looked for events to put in the book :)  I have a FABULOUS surprise waiting for the children in January :D

-Entertained our neighbors who came to look at bracelets that TWS makes as they want them for Christmas presents.  Then we took them out to feed the ducks.

-Went to supper with TWS to Applebees, then to the Nestles cookie shop for dessert whilst the kids were at youth group.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is such an important thing - to be able to think past emotion. Something that we all (me included) struggle with at times. I think one the important factors of current parenting styles is a trend towards the child's emotions being more highly prized than truth. It is such a slippery slope! Validate, yes! Love, yes! But speak the truth in love - absolutely
