This is Saint-14. Or, as I call him, Squinky Pinky Dinky Pants.

He is not a barn cat. (Don't adjust your set, he does not sit still for my dreams of taking adorable kitten-in-berry-pail pics, the blur is all his fault.)

He is supposed to be a barn cat. (This is him hiding under The Boy when we tried to take him outside that one time.)

He is not a barn cat. (Don't adjust your set, he does not sit still for my dreams of taking adorable kitten-in-berry-pail pics, the blur is all his fault.)

He is supposed to be a barn cat. (This is him hiding under The Boy when we tried to take him outside that one time.)

But, y'know, he prefers to be inside watching tv. (He really does watch tv. And 'helps' you play video games....maybe we should not have given him such a geeky name.)
And being loved upon

And snuggling with Precious who has a Fabulous Robe.

And eating the dog's food. (My poor Brisco just sits there and waits for him to finish.)

And terrorizing my other cat.

He is a bit emotionally high maintenance and does not want to be in a room without other people or critters. ("But I LOOOOOVVVEEE you! Oh look! You're eating! I love eating, too! Wanna share?")
It's a good thing he's cute. xsighx
Too cute! Just wait, he will soon start bringing you "presents" and "meals"!
ReplyDeleteNot so much sure that he will start bringing in presents. I have a sneaking suspicion that he is just a freeloader who will try to steal my cheesebread when I am not looking ;)