My sweet friend!
I am sorry that it has been so long since we last chatted. Time just ran away from me. The Boy and I traveled over to Louisiana to visit and pick up a few things. It was a quick trip: down one day, stay one day, return one day.
Then, soon after, I managed to catch a bug. It is not surprising--the trip was fun but exhausting and I was a bit run down. However, today was the first day that I have managed to feel a bit more myself :). Regrettably, Precious is coming down with the bug, so I see a lot of "How To Train Your Dragon" (our go-to "feeling too ill to sleep" movie) in our future.
Plus, honestly, I have been in a quiet mood. Oh it was not that I did not want to chat with you, your visits delight me! It is just that sometimes little comments there, little thoughts here, little bits and pieces of humanity and struggle and contemplation make one quiet and still. I am sure you understand.
However, I think I am at the end of that moment of reclusion and ready to get back into our chats. Thank you, my dear sweet friend, for your patience.
And I have so much to acquaint you with!! I made grape jelly with our own grapes (what a trial that was, but it ended so wonderfully!). I am dehydrating peppers from our garden. I found out how to distinguish water snakes from moccasins (probably not the most fun task, but good to know when you live in the south). We have planted and tended and bought and sold :)
I will post much soon!
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