Friday, July 26, 2013

Our First Official Harvest is Tomorrow!

My sweet friend!  How excited I am!!!  Tomorrow we will have our first, actual, we-are-official-farmers-now harvest!

Our liaison will be coming tomorrow in the morning to pick up our first harvest of Lemonrock Farms Sakura Honey tomatoes :)


It will be a small harvest--these are the first ripeners.  They will not even be sold in stores yet, but rather will be distributed to local restaurants.  However, it is still incredibly exciting :)  I walked by the hoop house today and saw so many little red jewels hanging delicately from soft green vines.  It was such a pretty picture!

Now, since the farm we are working under is new, and our participation is new, I am not sure exactly how this is going to work.  There is some consideration regarding how to pack (because we are growing cherry tomatoes, we will not be getting as much weight sold as those growing full sized tomatoes).  We are going to weigh AND count "dry pints".

Let me tell you about the tomatoes we are growing.  As I mentioned, they are Sakura Honey's.  Well, let me back up.  My whole life I despised tomatoes.  It took me until I was 12 to eat pizza, then into adulthood to eat lasagna, and I have never had a BLT.

One time, though, I tried tomato that was not from a grocery store.  It was ASTOUNDING.  It is like the difference between raw honey and pasteurized honey--like two entirely different substances.  It was incredibly edible!

Ok, it has been some years that I have been eating tomatoes, having developed a taste for them.  The sakura honey tomatoes are incredible!  Firm, SWEET, beautiful.  (And I am not just saying that because we grow them ;).  I could easily see me growing these for my own use even if we switch to a larger tomato for income.  They are really just that good!)

(as an aside, TWS loves fried green tomatoes.  I am dying to use some fruit fall tomatoes and slice them up into teeny tiny little disks and fry them up for him and see if they are good :) ).

Please pray that this goes well, that the Lord is glorified, that our work is purposeful and good, and that the tomatoes sell profitably :)  Thank you!

I will try to get a photo for you!  Thank you for letting me gush about our new exciting step into being farmers :)  You are a treasure!!!

1 comment:

  1. I made some fried green tomatoes today for my lunch. John doesn't eat them, but it was just what I needed. :)
