Monday, June 17, 2013

Catch Up Day!

Good Morning sweet friend!

Goodness I am way behind!  Somehow my chores got less done than I like and now it is time to play catch up.  Though today is a day of scrubbing bathrooms and such, I decided that I still want to look and feel put together whilst I work:  cotton skirt, cotton blouse, satin brocade apron, hair neatly pulled back, and some make up on.  My family still has to see me, even as I clean, and I would like for them to see me at my best.  They deserve it :)

My thoughts are turning to sewing and I am eager to get caught up so I can unpack the sewing machine.  I also have painted a painting the past few days.  I am not at all an artist, BUT I enjoy painting so much!  It is good to do things that we enjoy without having the expectation or pressure of having to be "good enough" at it.

So today my plan is:

-tax teleconference for the farm
-dye Precious' hair
-cut up watermelon and honeydew
-make "man pleasin' chicken" for dinner
-do at least two loads of laundry
-clean all bathrooms
-clean my bedroom
-sweep and mop

Now, if I get those done, my next list is:
-go check the wild blackberries for ripeness
-contact a company to see if they are interested in buying some fiestaware that I do not want
-pack up everything non-essential that is on the dining table
-finish painting
-work on part of Walking Garden--establishing plots where I plan to plant seeds.

Whew!  I must get busy!  Let me know what wonderful things you have planned for today!

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