Hello sweet one!
I just finished up a delicious lunch of grilled cheese (made with fresh mozzarella) and cherries! Cherries are my favorite fruit (though I also love watermelon and nectarines). They are such a rare, expensive treat here--they almost cost as much here as they did in Alaska!
I know we were supposed to be in the greenhouse by now, but our tax discussion ran long, then it was too close to lunch not to just have it, and now TWS is making ice cream base for ice cream tomorrow. Tomorrow's flavors are peach and mint chocolate chip. Remind me to tell you about our ice cream maker (the machine, not TWS :D ).
Right now however, I wanted to tell you about the Walking Garden! If you recall, several days ago I had backed my plans down to a simmer. However, what we have done is to cut the path through the grass in the area of the cutting garden. I had no plan. I just got in the golf cart and drove a meander through the trees, praying I was choosing a good path!
You know, faith is a little like that for me sometimes. There are times that I have NO idea what my Dear Father wants from me. Not because He is quiet, but because I am not :). Sometimes any choice is a right choice, any path is a right path for Him. Shall I study art or music? Either of those is fine. Shall I sew a dress or study astronomy? Either is fine. Shall I be a scientist when I grow up or a historian? Either of those is fine. :) The Lord does give us rules for living that we must try to stay with so we do not suffer or cause others too, such as refraining from unkind words, adultery, lying, sarcasm, etc.
However, after that, there is a whole big world and it is scary to think of the weight of some of the decisions we make....until we know that the Lord has made our path already. We will not surprise Him. He will bring us where we need to be for His glory. We don't need to stress.
So I drove. I meandered. I tucked behind this tree and between those. And then I did it again and again so that the path was well worn in the tall, tall grass. TWS came behind with the tractor and I drove the path again, this time with him following behind me. Then he cut the path again on his own to make it a little wider.
Now I have a wonderful path under the trees, through the wildflowers and weeds. I had wanted TWS to mow all the grass down there to make it "park-like". I confess I was disappointed when he was very resistant to the idea. I honestly did not know what the problem was. There did not seem to be a good reason not to just mow it, not to just make the whole canvas flat and clean. But he chose not to. TWS, who loves me and indulges me, said no.
This too is an amazing metaphor for how the Lord (and our husbands!) works. We often think we know the best way, the right way, the easier way. My idea was not a bad one at all. It would have been lovely. It would have blended with the yard. It was not sinful.
BUT it was also not the best. I had to put my frustration aside, my idea of "this is MY walking garden, just mow the grass!" :). I had to defer to his will, and the results are much, much better! It was more stressful for me (did I choose the right path?), but in the end it is so much more lovely!
Ah...sometimes the Lord tells our husbands things that He does not choose to tell us! :) It is a hard lesson for us to learn sometimes, especially when we are strong willed and capable women :) But it is a blessed lesson and, in return for swallowing our pride, we receive blessing beyond measure.
So, please allow me to introduce you to the beginning of the Walking Garden....
We start here, at the entrance to the Walking Garden. There is a beautiful wood arbor that we walk under, and we feel a little like Elizabeth and Jane as we step onto the path and away from the world....
We meander here, letting our hands brush a patch of lavender. We pause to pick some leaves and blossoms to rub on our wrists and throat. What a wonderful scent fresh lavender has! It is delicate as our conspiratorial whispers (lest the trees overhear and reveal all our secrets!)
And there....can't you just see a hammock between those two trees? :) The day is hot and the clouds are fluffy white, and your day dreams are so full and laden in your head that you simply MUST rest and nap so your dreams can soar into the bright blue sky. Don't worry about me, I will be right back!
Wake up dear one! It is hungry work letting dreams fly! Here is a little table filled with chocolate and cherries and scones. There is a pitcher of iced jasmine tea by your elbow, dear, and some raw blossom honey for it.
I think we need to gather flowers so we can take this walk inside with us when the sun goes down, don't you? I will gather delphiniums and dahlias to the left side. You can gather pink and yellow primrose to the right. We will tie them together with lengths of honeysuckle vine growing round this tree.
I know we just had a snack, but can you possibly resist the honeyberries on these bushes? I know I can't! They are so ripe and sweet, it would be a shame to let the birds eat all of them!
Alas, we have reached the end of the Garden. Here, take this bouquet with you, I can get one later. I so enjoyed this time with you! Come back soon and we will walk it again!