Sunday, November 9, 2014

An Encouragement

My darling friend,

I have been neglecting you here, haven't I?  I have not meant to.  I have been spending much time on facebook and pinterest and too little time here.  I have even started a paper journal with the thoughts that maybe any grandchildren will enjoy reading about their grandma.  Or perhaps it will just find its way into some garage sale and be picked up by someone who likes to read old writing as I do.  I have a box of letters from a soldier to his mom that TWS bought for me.  I have not even read most of them, but I am touched by them deeply, and there is a part of me, silly perhaps, that values the pen and ink love of a son to his mother and feels that it needs to be kept safe.

I had neglected the blog for the reason I always neglect my blog--I wonder if it is doing any good in the world, if it is what the Lord wants from me, if it is a waste of time or not.  Do people REALLY want to know how I built a crawfish trap or how I yearn for the restoration of relationships or how the Lord is guiding me to better-than-I-am?

This evening, though, TWS called me into my office (which is his office, the aviary, the craft room, the orchid house, and now the indoor garden for trees too tender for winter as well) and had me read a note from an aunt of his (and mine by marriage).  We might have met a few times tops, but her words about my blog were so sweet and so kind and so tender and encouraging, that it made me think that I should not be so quick to bail.  Oh I am not some oracle or sage (or rosemary or thyme--ugh, sorry about that :D), but maybe it is ok if I write, if I bare my soul like the overturned soil in our garden, working in deep the amendments of the Word of God, the land He has given, my sweet family and friends, the sorrows and joys and daily life of someone as small as I.  Maybe something good will grow.  Maybe the fruit is bitter to some, but maybe it is sweet to others and nourishing.
Maybe it is ok that I am not the best photographer with Pinterest worthy photos :)  I am not the best cook.  I am not the best farmer.  I am not the best gardener.  But I am honest, here, with you, and maybe that is enough. :)

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