Good morning!!
I am so glad to be here this morning :). I am standing at my dressing table, make up half on, hair half done, needing to get a move on with my day so I can get back from the grocery store before dinner.
We have started making dinner (lunch for the non-southern folk :) ), the big meal of the day. This is for a couple of reasons: a)I am a morning person. I have GREAT energy in the morning. I always had great plans for cooking huge suppers (dinner for the non-southern folk :) ), but always lost my steam by the late afternoon. b)I have read that, for health reasons, you are supposed to eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at dinner, and a pauper at supper. Now, since not EVERYONE feels like ribs and catfish for breakfast, I have moderated that to move the big meal to dinner. Then we have a light supper (last night I had popcorn!).
I am so thankful to be able to try this new idea! It is working so far, though I have a few hiccups that I need to iron out (getting used to how the microwave cooks, remembering how long or short it took foods I used to make, incorporating gluten free foods, etc).
Anyway, so I need to go to the grocery store before I need to come back and cook. I am going to try my hand at gluten free fried chicken!
I was thinking that I might start making short notes every day or so in case anyone wants to know what it is like, day by day, to start working a farm. Currently we are planning, God willing, to just do veggies. We will be adding chickens soon. For those of you who are farmers or gardeners, there might be little of interest, but for those of you, like me, who grew up in the suburbs, the life on a farm might be interesting. :)
Today TWS will be building a small shed to house the holding tanks for the well pump that we are submerging. The Dept of Ag, years ago, asked our previous owners if they would mind if they sunk a well to test water. That gives us, today, a 6", 100 ft well to use to water our orchard, greenhouse, garden, and chicken coop! For free!
I love well water. Even when it is minerally, there is something about the Lord providing vast aquifers of pure, drinkable water that bubbles from the ground that makes me so happy and blessed!
I will also, today, try to get more unpacking done. We will see how that goes. I also want to try to make either chili or "loaded potato soup" for the men. TWS asked me to pick up some cans of soup for suppers, but truly the sodium content blew me away. Plus I know how canned soup tastes--just not as fresh. So I thought that, even if the sodium and fat content of my soup was out of control, at LEAST it will be relatively fresh ingredients (though I am cheating on this batch and using canned potatoes lolol).
I also want to compare prices from two grocery stores here to find out where my dollar will stretch farther, so I need to go for now so I have time :) Please know I pray for you the BEST of days today, filled with faith in the Lord, calmness in your heart, and peace in your house. Find a joy, a treasure, a tiny miracle that the Lord has left for you today--He leaves them EVERYWHERE! Make it your mission to seek them out and see how beautiful His kindness and mercy is to us--a whole new world opens up when you do! I promise :)
Did you find the store with the best deals in your area? I remember when I first moved to CT I had my work cut out for me searching for good deals! I know you'll have that all worked out in no time. LOVE your sentiment on finding joy, a treasure, a tiny miracle today... :)