Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Technological Blessing

Hello dear one!

I just wanted to praise the Lord for a recent blessing.  I had to stop blogging for a week or two as my ipad had a "grey screen of death".  As I have mentioned previously, if I do not use my ipad for blogging, getting photos to the blog is nigh unto impossible (or at least too difficult for me to want to mess with!).

We went to the Apple store to see if it could be fixed.  I believe I mentioned that the gentleman at the Genius Bar took one look at it and gave me a new one for free!

However, what is wonderful is what I found out after I got home:  I got one with TWICE as much storage as my last one!!  And the camera is better!!  I am so tickled!!!!  What a provision from the Lord to take care of me as I blog!

Just wanted to share my thankfulness of Him and His little gifts to us :)